Frequently Asked Questions

Thanks to ParSecure sensor systems positioned in 33 countries including Turkey with its unique native technology, ParSecure sees the potential danger of IP addresses that make cyber attacks and transmits them to our update server. ParSecure X1 and ParSecure X-API are in constant communication with the update server. This way, your system will be completely invisible to intruder IP addresses

Firewall devices are unfortunately vulnerable to many bruteforces. E.g. 1 password attempt from each 10,000 unique IP addresses. Thanks to its unique cyber intelligence service, ParSecure creates a block role for the attacker’s IP address before the attackers target you and protects you against attackers. You can locate the ParSecure X-API product between the firewall / modem and the switch with a patch cable without a need of setting. Thus, you can have a unique protection without changing the existing settings and rules of your firewall device.

Changing the port numbers of applications such as RDP, MSSQL etc. does not make things difficult for attackers anymore. Because it takes only a few seconds for them to detect the port number you have assigned. Changing the port number or mapping it from your firewall device does not mean that you will never ever be exposed to an RDP attack. Unfortunately, nowadays, more money is spent on cyber attacks than cyber security and the software and technology they have make you a target no matter which port you use.

There are ParSecure update servers at 23 different locations in total. The ParSecure that you will position on your network will always be in communication with our update servers. You will also be notified by email if the ParSecure X1 service stops and can not receive updates. For Parsecure X1, there are a total of 23 database servers running with mirror logic. Our software installed on your server will always be in contact with our cyber intelligence servers.

For your firewall devices of ParSecure X-API, it is possible to transfer information supported with xml / txt / html. You can protect all your servers and computers in your network by accessing our X-API service servers with your firewall device.